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17 Reasons To Communicate With Customers Through A Blog

A blog is a business website that contains mostly posts in a specific industry. The blog is frequently updated and articles include author and dates they were published. Generally blog posts are text, although graphics, images, sound or (increasingly) video may also be included. Commenting by visitors maybe allowed. Articles and comments are archived and can been accessed at the blog website indefinitely.

A 300-word article every week will build content for your website, show expertise in your field, help potential new customers feel comfortable doing business with your company – and in no time, they walk through the door and make a purchase.

Here are 17 reasons your company must blog:

  1. To promote your business: the more people know about your business, the more customers you will have
  2. To grow a web presence that will current and prospective customers thinking about your business; yours will be the first company they of when they need your product or service
  3. To encourage “top of mind” awareness with your customers: as they think of your business more often, they are more likely to become customers
  4. To demonstrate passion for your industry: people like doing business with people who love their work
  5. To show expertise: customers will look to you for expertise to help them; when they are ready to buy, they’ll buy from the expert
  6. To build credibility and reap the rewards of new business as consumers trust your business
  7. To enjoy an informal conversation with customers, building a fan base for your business
  8. To conduct informal market research by reading comments
  9. To sharpen your thinking about your company’s brand (and yes, that alone will grow your topline)
  10. To help consumers feel more connected with your company and be more likely to feel like a satisfied customer
  11. To humanize your company
  12. To showcase your employees and make them feel great about where they work
  13. To feed your website search engine optimization strategy, regularly adding fresh content to help move up in rankings
  14. To record your business experiences accurately (and review your blog later for ideas to add to your store)
  15. To encourage traditional journalists to see you as a quotable resource
  16. To book speaking events, where you can further your company’s footprint
  17. To offset any competition from other blogs, which might otherwise take business away from you
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