Online to offline marketing for today's brick-and-mortar businesses.


This website is all about the tactics that local businesspeople need to effectively promote their brick-and-mortar store online without the personnel or budgets of the big box stores and other chains, and then move that online activity offline, into their stores.

Experience shows that many people who operate local businesses do not have the time to develop a grand strategy. However, they have the time to implement tactics. Enough tactics implemented well will usually move a local retail operation forward – and that’s what this is about: doing the doable.

Often a business owner or manager may draw a blank when they think about their internet strategy. Reading this website will help business owners develop internet tactics. The company’s social media marketing will be in place. There will be a search engine optimization strategy. Online will become something businesspeople can brag about.

Articles categories include Business Websites, Blogging, SEO Services, Internet Marketing and Social Media. Below in outline form is the layout of the site, which as you can see looks remarkably like the sidebar.

  1. Articles on business websites, because your business needs one
  2. Blogging articles to help you add content to your business website
  3. Articles on SEO Services that can bring more people to your website
  4. Articles about Social Media, which can expand your reach and can bring more people to your website and brick-and-mortar store
  5. Information about building traffic to your website using reviews
  6. Internet Marketing articles to help your business grow even faster